Offering a wide range of lunch options. Located at the top of the Steamboat Gondola.
Thunderhead third floor food court
Thunderhead Food Court
Located in Thunderhead Lodge
Hours of Operation: Daily
Food 10:30am - 2:30pm
Bar 8:30am - 3:00pm rich-text, responsive-table
Located in Thunderhead Lodge
Hours of Operation: Daily
Food 10:30am - 2:30pm
Bar 8:30am - 3:00pm rich-text, responsive-table
When you’re ready to take a break from skiing and are looking for lunch to please the whole family, head to the Thunderhead Food Court. We have something for everyone up here with a variety of lunch choices—from healthy salads to hearty entrees, pizzas, burgers, soups, and everything in between. With cafeteria-style seating, Thunderhead Food Court is the perfect spot to grab a quick and delicious lunch, before you head back out to take some more turns.
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Red's Bar at Thunderhead
Cocktails, cold beer, gourmet coffee, and snacks at 9,131 feet. Thunderhead Red's Bar is also located on the 3rd floor adjacent to the food court. It's a great place for relaxing and enjoying a drink while you are on the mountain.