Mountain Tips
Skiing & Boarding Tips
Whether you're a first-time skier or rider, or just need a refresher after a few years off the snow, check out these 9 safety tips to ensure you have the best experience on the mountain.
Be predictable
Be “predictable” when skiing. Do not suddenly swerve away from the direction you have been traveling.

go with the flow
If you are passing most skiers on the trail, you are probably skiing too fast. Observe the areas posted as "Slow" and slow down no matter what your ability level. Fast or reckless skiing and riding can result in injury to you or others and perhaps the loss of your lift ticket.

Be smart on lifts
Always read the loading and lift information boards. If uncertain how to load or unload a certain chairlift, ask the attendant for instructions or help. Do not lean forward; sit back and enjoy the ride.

Arrange a meeting place
Arrange a meeting place and time in case someone becomes separated from skiing companions. Notify someone in your group if you decide to leave the resort.

avoid hazards
Fencing, poles, padding and other markings are intended to alert you to certain hazards, not to protect you from injury. Not all obstacles are marked. It is your responsibility under Colorado law to avoid all obstacles and hazards.

refrain from using electronics
Steamboat strongly recommends that guests refrain from using electronic devices (cell/smart phones, texting, MP3 players) or any type of earphones while skiing/riding or loading/unloading lifts.

stay hydrated
If we start to get dehydrated our performance on snow declines and our reaction time increases. Stay hydrated throughout your day of skiing to help avoid injuries.
general tips
Here are some general tips to keep in mind
If you drop a glove, ski etc. from a lift into a closed area or onto a run too difficult for your ability, note the number of the nearest lift tower and report it to the top lift attendant or call Patrol. Patrol may be able to try to retrieve it and leave it at the bottom of the lift or at lost and found.

You must use caution walking especially in buildings, on walkways and in parking lots. Melting and freezing as well as water and snow accumulation, can cause surfaces to become slippery any time of the day or night. Try to clean the snow off the bottom of plastic ski boots to help prevent a slip and fall. Use footwear with good tread and/or use commercially available products made for the bottom of shoes and boots to give better traction.

Take the time to clear ice and snow from all windows and lights for good visibility. Roads may be slick so stay a safe distance from other vehicles. Stopping distances may also be increased. Avoid braking on ice and use lower gears to control your speed.